Thursday, September 22, 2011

How Far We've Come??? It Doesnt Seem that Far

So I may have to change the title of my blog after this posting but I feel it is necessary at the moment from what I'm feeling and all that is going on in the media about this country of ours.

First off, I am absolutely sickened by the execution of Troy Davis tonight in Georgia. I do not know much about the case and did not follow it heavily, but it seems that from the amount of protest and the people protesting it, such as senators and congressmen who are for execution, that this alone would have stopped this horrific act from occurring. If there is this much doubt among the people, in a country that is by the people and for the people, than this should not have happened. I personally have see-sawed back and forth on the issue of the death penalty. When a family friend was murdered by her husband I thought it was the most just punishment in the world, though not applicable in this case. But, in cases such as this, where the evidence appears so shaky, I can't help but to wonder what is running through these decision makers' minds. How could they even consider taking a life that has not been truly proven guilty when they are the ones who are probably pro-life and against abortion in any way shape or form? I do not know that this is true of these people, but I am going upon the assumption that it is. Just thinking about this injustice makes me feel sick and very unproud to be an American.

Next, I really cannot stand people who treat other people who they do not know the slightest thing about like absolute shit. I admit I am opinionated about things but I would never tell someone that I barely even know that they are a waste of space. Even when I'm mean to my brothers I often instantly regret the words that come out of my mouth. So it is just unfathomable to me how people can live with themselves when they sit there and call people gay or a fag or a fag who is going to hell. Even typing those words feels wrong and insulting and I do not mean to offend, just to prove/examine a point. And I admit I may have said things about people behind their back to my mother where I know they will not hear, but it is nothing as offensive as what I just typed, and I only say it to vent anger at someone's actions, not at that person as an individual. And if someone ever heard what I said I would feel absolutely horrible about myself which brings me back to the point of how people can do this to people that they dont know to their face for no reason at all?

Do you know how they can do it? Because they see adults doing it all of the time. Their parents may bully people, or their teachers. Hell, even the politicians bully people and try to get them to do what they want and what they feel is right when really it is none of their damn business. If I want to abort a baby I had by a rapist or by anyone else for that matter it is my choice, not some politician who does not know me. And if I wanted to marry a girl than that should be my choice, as long as I respect that fact that some religions may not want to perform the ceremony, the state should not be able to choose.

So my question is where have we really come? It seems not very far at all when the innocent are murdered and our own government teaches us how to hate.

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